Saturday 4 December 2010

Biomimicry in Product Design

TreeHugger has long been a big proponent of biomimicry, so were justifiably excited to see this. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has released a guidebook aimed at further promoting and building biomimicry into design-for-the-environment products. The guidebook, “Better by Design: An Innovation Guide,” [pdf] presents design for environment and biomimicry principles and product case studies that read like a "Best of TH" laundry list: Steelcase's Think chair, Interface Carpets, DesignTex textiles, ENV bike and Biota water, just to name a few.

"This information was gained from Tree Hugger. It speaks about some for the products that have been created using the principle of biomimicry and provides a link to a guidebook in which contains case studies that have been created in relation to boimimcry.
This was very useful as it gave me some ideas in which I could possibly pursue later on the module with the correct research.
Sadly the link to the guide book is now not available."      

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